at least i know what to expect on the table

I have a new tumour.

I will be doing Cyber Knife some time soon. I don't have a date yet but I'm not worried about that. They are on it.

Both my oncologists (radiation and medical) are not just good and smart but they really care what happens to me.

I have had a few days to take this in but have had some other (non blog related and not my story to tell) things on my mind. I have been feeling bad that I haven't explained here but I am letting that go.

Know that I am doing OK. We are doing OK. I just need a few days to rest, sleep (which I have not been doing for more than a couple of hours a night) and take care of myself.

Please don't take it personally, if you don't hear back from me about this right away. I know I am loved and supported. 

If I don't want to talk about it right now, just follow my lead.

Going to knit tonight and watch the last Downton Abbey tomorrow. 

So no spoilers.
