it's on

Tomorrow morning. I have to be  there at 6am. Surgery scheduled for 8am (when Tim will be kicked out of the hospital and forced to go to Costco).

Tim will be updating, as he has news on Twitter (as he says, his stream will now be news of me and how much he hates the drivers at Lansdowne). Don't look for too much too soon, as the surgery has been booked for 7 hours, so he's unlikely to have news between when he leaves me and at least 3pm or so (last time it was 9 hours. Sometimes, it takes longer and it doesn't necessarily mean anything went wrong).

Tim will likely have biopsy results of all three spots once the surgery is done but I have asked him not discuss this until he and I have had a chance to talk.

I'll be in the hospital for 3-5 days. I should be ready for visitors by Friday but please check in (over email or text) before coming, 

Wish me luck. See you on the other side.
