2 more days in the sun

Yesterday, I had the best massage of my life. During my appointment my phone was off. When I turned it back on, there was voice mail.

My surgery was delayed for two days until Thursday, May 7.

Maybe it was the massage or maybe it was the chance to have two more days to enjoy the beautiful weather we have been having but the delay didn't bother me at all. It helps to remember that not much bumps a brain tumour - whoever had surgery instead today must have needed it very badly.

So today, I worked my way through my to do list, walked the dogs, puttered a bit and had a visit with an a old friend. We had a wonderful dinner, ate Dilly Bars in the back yard and just hung out. It was good.

I can fill my anxiety building again and I know the inevitable was just postponed but it's been nice to have a little extra time.
