happy new year!

Today is the first day of school in these parts. We all had mixed feelings about it. Summer went by way too fast for me and I think we all revelled in the things we did (a week at the cottage, an overnight in Montreal, a few days in New York) and the things we didn't (lots of sleeping in, watching movies, reading books and hanging out). I'm very conscious these days of how quickly time is passing.

Last year, I wrote a post called "new beginnings" and here I am again. For me (and I suspect for many people), the first day of school will always mark the new year, way more than that first day in January.

Daniel is in Grade 6.

Sacha is in Grade 11.

This is obviously not a first day of school photo. But that was never going to happen.
Summer is over.

It's time to get begin the new year.
