health care is an election issue

I heard on the radio this morning that health care has not been a key issue during this provincial election. I disagree. Maybe the media hasn't picked it up, but health care has been very much on the radar for several groups and the people who support them.

The Fair Cancer Care campaign asks that everyone sign a petition and get their candidates to support access to the best chemotherapies regardless of cost or ability to pay.

Cancertainty has pulled together more than 40 organizations to get the province to pay for oral chemotherapy. The majority of new chemotherapies will be oral and are not currently paid for by OHIP, as they are not administered in the hospital.

Prostate Cancer Canada has been lobbying hard for OHIP to pay for PSA tests, so prostate cancer can be diagnosed and treated earlier.

The Canadian Breast Cancer Network asked all the major parties if they would:

  • Take measures to shorten the approval times for reimbursement decisions on drugs for metastatic breast cancer patients?
  • Put in place a timely review mechanism for the applications of cancer drugs on compassionate grounds?
  • They only heard back from the Liberals and the Conservatives (who provided a form letter that didn't address the question at all).

    I'm certain that health care is a major issue for all who live in Ontario, particularly as our population ages. Tomorrow, vote for health care. 

    After the election, let's make sure that equitable access to excellent, high quality health care remains an issue that must be addressed.
