wishing you continued good health

As, I mentioned in my last post,  I've been working on a campaign called Fair Cancer Care. We're hoping to create awareness, followed by change to how chemotherapy drugs are covered in Ontario. We launched in time for the provincial election campaign, in the hopes that we can get our local candidates to take an interest. You can find out more at FairCancerCare.ca.

The people behind the campaign are a group of Ottawa residents who have all been affected by cancer. We've all been promoting the hell out of this campaign as the election date draws nearer. My good friend Andrea is a driving force in our group. Her creativity has been key to getting us moving and, as someone who lived through breast cancer, she gets how crucial it is to ensure that everyone gets the best care available.

Yesterday, Andrea had the following exchange via email with someone she knows slightly, who'd been asked to sign our petition. I share the following exchange with Andrea's permission. For the purposes of clarity and my own amusement, we'll call the other person Ms. Smug Hubris.

SH: "I don't believe that cancer causing radiation and toxic chemotherapy is the cure for cancer. Healthy whole food and a healthy lifestyle is."

Andrea: "I thought the exact same thing before I got it. Wishing you continued good health."

Although my response was much cruder (rhymes with "Oh duck off"), I think Andrea was perfect. While Ms. SH is entitled to her opinion, I'll continue to fight for the very best cancer care to be available to everyone. 

Because the thing is, anyone can get cancer. I've known several extremely healthy living, eating and drinking people who've been hit by a cancer diagnosis. I know people who did everything right before and after that diagnosis and died anyway.

We need a cure for cancer. But until then, we need the very best chemotherapies to be available as soon as they are approved. And everyone should have access to the treatment their oncologist prescribes, regardless of ability to pay.

Ms. Smug Hubris can chose whether or not to seek treatment, should she be unlucky enough to get cancer. We'll keep working to make sure it's available.

To learn more and sign our petition, please visit FairCancerCare.ca. You can like us on Facebook, too.
