out loud

I have some good but also personally nerve-wracking news. I'm going to be reading next week at Blog Out Loud. That means I'm going to be reading a post I wrote on this blog OUT LOUD. In front of people.

What was I thinking?

Actually, I am very proud of myself for submitting a post to this annual event and prouder still for having been chosen (although this pride is mixed liberally with "why me?"). Blog Out Loud is organized by the fabulous Lynn Jatania and this year the event will be part of Ottawa Writers Festival. So after next Tuesday, I get to say that I've read at Writers Fest. How cool is that?

Here are the details:

What: 11 bloggers read their favourite post of the past year

Who: Anyone who likes to hear good stories or see amazing images is invited to attend

When: April 29, 2014, 6:30 p.m. SHARP
Where: Knox Presbyterian Church, 120 Lisgar Street, Ottawa.

There is no charge to attend.

I'd love to tell you which post I'll be reading but I've been asked to make it a surprise. You'll have to come to Blog Out Loud to find out.
