as it should be.

I had a doctor's appointment today. 

The right side incision (the one where they put in the new port) hasn't healed properly and the area around it is angry and red. There's a spot on my neck where they entered the vein that is also a bit infected. 

Despite my fears that I was being a worry-wart, I was taken seriously. The doctor took a swab of the wounds and gave me a prescription for an antibiotic. She felt around the area of the port to make sure that it wasn't tender. She thinks it's just a surface infection but if the port area gets sore or the infection seems to worsen, I'm to go to the hospital.

The doctor I saw was replacing my GP but works in her practice. She and the nurse I saw today seemed happy to see me and were genuinely empathetic and compassionate. None of my concerns (I also brought an ingrown toenail to their attention) were dismissed or belittled. They were patient and thorough. And the starting point of our conversation was that I know more about my own body and some of my medical experiences than they do.

When I left, I was practically crying with gratitude.

And then I got angry. Shouldn't this be the treatment that every patient should expect at every medical visit?
