do you have lymphedema?

Do live in the Ottawa area? Do you have secondary lymphedema (as a result of any kind of cancer)?

University of Ottawa professor Roanne Thomas and her team are is running a pilot of a study and are looking for participants:

I've lived with truncal lymphedema since my mastectomy in 2006. Very little has been written on this subject and the advice I've found online or been given in workshops all has to do with arm lymphedema. My arm is fine but my chest and back can become very uncomfortable, to the point that it can be outright painful to wear a prosthesis. And the measures you take to prevent lymphedema in the arm can make truncal lymphedema worse.

I would love to have the chance to share my experience, learn from others and gain new insight into living with lymphedema. Unfortunately, the scheduled dates don't work for me, so instead, I'm reaching out to you.

Would you benefit from a program to support people with cancer-related lymphedema? Would you like to help create one? Contact Liz at

Hopefully this pilot will be tremendously successful and the researchers will get funding to run a national lymphedema support program. I'd like that. Meanwhile, if you take part, please keep me posted.
