i have a dent in the back of my head

Now that the swelling has gone down, I have come to realize that there is a sizeable dent in the back of my head. I'm not sure if it's visible but I can certainly feel it.like - a chunk of the back of my head was scooped out with a melon baller.

I find this both distressing and fascinating. I spend a lot of time feeling the dent and comparing the two sides. It's all I can do not to ask everyone, "Want to feel the back of my head?"

This is probably another good reason to grow my hair out. It's one thing to have a scar that goes from my nape to above my ear. The dented bit just adds to the impression that I might be related to Frankenstein's monster.

I feel pretty normal for someone who is missing a bit of her head. The missing piece can't have been to important. And seriously, if you know me in real life, it's totally OK to ask me about it. I'll even let you feel it.
