diddly squat (the good kind)

As I mentioned in my last post, I had an MRI last Sunday.

I have subsequently had a really trying week (changing appointment times, having to negotiate and fix many bureaucratic issues with staff who don't know me, treatment and two dentist visits, culminating in a spectacularly messy and traumatic root canal) but I've a phone call from my oncologist that put it all in perspective.

Dr. G: "Guess what your MRI showed?"

Me: "Well, you probably wouldn't have put it like that if it had showed anything bad...So...It didn't show anything?"

Dr. G (sounding jubilant): "Nothing! No active disease, no residual disease just the effects of surgery."

Me: "So my brain is like my liver now. It looks like it's been through the wars but otherwise it's just fine?"

Dr. G: "That's right!"

Me: "And that's it?"

Dr. G: "Yup! Otherwise, it shows diddly squat." ( I believe that's the technical medical term)

I feel far more relieved and happy about this than I did when I had the CT. Not that I take the situation with Herceptin for granted but I do know that it has worked for me for more than 6 years. My brain, on the other hand, remains unprotected. From now on, I'll be experiencing every clean MRI as a gift.

Life is good. 

Bring on the root canals.
