
I haven't even mentioned yet that I had some CT scans last Friday morning. I guess the whole experience was overshadowed by the CyberKnife drama and it's after effects.

The scans themselves (done all at once but there were three) were a breeze. The technician got my vein (for injecting the contrast dye) on the first poke and all went smoothly. I'm an hold hand at these things and being nervous about the unknown of CyberKnife left me no room to worry about the scans. I was out of there in half an hour and promptly forgot about it, in favour of what loomed ahead.

Now though, five days later, I'm worrying. I had my thorax, abdomen and pelvis scanned. I have absolutely no reason - except history - to be worried. But it's nagging at me. 

What if my gut rats (that I've been blaming on CyberKnife) have something to do with this? (although I have no reason to believe that they would)

What if the swollen gland in my groin that I had back in the summer, meant more than having a cold? (although I've been reassured that it's nothing)

What if...? (you can fill in the blank)

I don't see my medical oncologist until February 6th but I can't wait until then for answers. I see my GP tomorrow (for a referral) and she always gets copies. Perhaps she'll be able to tell me something. 

If not, I'm calling the nurse who works with my oncologist on Thursday. She's given me answers before.

It's supposed to take a week for results. Thursday is almost a week later. It would be nice to be let off the hook of suspense.

I'd become quite blase about CT scans for a while. I didn't even care if I had them. The discovery of the brain tumour has certainly shaken my confidence.
