makes me happy

As a way to ease myself out of my winter ennui, my therapist suggested I do some journalling about the things that make me happy. Some of those things are probably evident to anyone who knows me even a little:

Hanging out with my kids.

Laughing with my sweetie.

Watching my dog run in the snow.

Riding my bike.

Reading a good book.

Being in a yarn store with money to burn.

But when I dug a little deeper, I came up with some things that are a little less obvious:

The moments of real connection that can pass between friends and strangers.

Having a good idea.

Eating a healthy, tasty meal I've made myself.

Clicking the "Publish" button on a good blog post.

Getting positive feedback about my writing, especially from other writers.

Looking forward to a trip, whether near or far.

Texting with my BFF.

And, perhaps not surprisingly, it turns out that writing about what makes me happy...makes me happy.
