go the (bleep) to sleep. and get up earlier.

I live in a house full of night owls. Left to their own devices, my boys and their father would be up half the night and sleep into the late morning (or later, when it comes to my teenager). I think it's genetic, as many members of Tim's family have the same internal clock.

In contrast to them, I'm practically a morning person. However, I feel my most refreshed and energetic when I regularly sleep between the hours of midnight and 8am.

I don't subscribe to the notion that being an early riser is more virtuous but I do admit that it's more practical (especially when trying to get two kids to school on time in the morning), so for the last couple of weeks, we've all been getting up at 7. The first few days it was painful. It's easier now but I can't say that I feel bright eyed and bushy tailed at any point during the day.

I'm tired. And I'm finding that I'm not getting much more done, because I seem to need more sleep to compensate for getting up earlier.

Will it get any easier? Will my body adjust eventually? What's your internal clock like? Have you tried to change it?

(I edited this post as I sat with my 8 year old. It's 9:30 at night and, despite being tired all day, he's suddenly wide awake and full of energy. Please don't suggest a bed-time routine. We have tried it all.)
