for Rebecca

The memorial for my friend Rebecca is tomorrow. I won't be able to be there but I will be thinking of her all day. Maybe I'll do something silly and fun. I'll eat good food. I might even sing a little off key, in lieu of taking part in the karaoke that's planned for her celebration.

Because I can't be there, I asked my friends to go out and do something fun and dedicate the memory to Rebecca and let me know. Here are some examples of the the fun and the joy that was experienced as a tribute to her:

Maggie sang with her friends and dedicated the happiest song for Rebecca.

Nat danced in her kitchen to a band called “The Drop-Kick Murphys.”

A friend of Rebecca's went to the beach. She also said that Rebecca taught her “alot about about life.”

Jenny decided not to work late and went for a bike ride along the river. She says Rebecca reminded her that “life is a gift.”

Lee Ann said, “I dedicate my wonderful day on Saturday riding the life sized Thomas the Tank Engine with my 3 year old son Noah to your friend Rebecca. Such simple, beautiful kid fun, seeing this wonder through Noah's eyes.”

Lene thought of Rebecca as she took on a new adventure – her first photographic portrait commission.

Rebecca C. went for a swim with her mother in a moonlit pool. She said, “We were tired and could easily have passed on the opportunity, but in the spirit of your request, I urged us on. Gorgeous night, lovely memory, living in the moment. “

Rachel went to the amusement park and got on the “big bad roller coaster that I have been avoiding.”

Blondie wrote Rebecca's name on her hand and took her, in spirit to a big rock concert and to the state fair. She wrote about facing her fears and having on her blog.

Julie Harrison promised to do something that was “pure fun.”

Kate spent her week end at a horse show and “stayed and watched and cheered.” She said it was “great fun” and dedicated her time to Rebecca and all her friends and family with breast cancer.
Jillian spent the day at the beach with her family.
Tish laughed with friends at a party and with her sister at the gym. She dedicated her laughter to Rebecca.

Karin went for a swim on a hot day, “I watched my kids be brave and have a blast: RJ and RM held hands as they dove to the bottom of the deep end, and CJ rocketed down the slide sans life jacket. Floating in the water, I stopped to think of your friend Rebecca.”

Judy went out to dinner at one of her favourite restaurants and had a sour apple martini.

Jeanne went to the beach of her pups, “one of which is a pitbull named 'Denver'.”

Jojo went sailing on a beautiful lake.

Amanda cuddled and played with her puppy. She added, “yesterday as we worked on a swingset for our kids, I romped with him, talking to him about the pine cones he was chomping and chirping at him as he frolicked. It was incredible to really be present with him. As his red collar winked from between his floppy black and white hair, I was reminded of this post and of your wishes in Rebecca’s honor.”

Jill wrote, “I intend to ride my bike to the top of Mt. Montara within the next week, and when I do, I’ll sit on the little bench overlooking the Pacific and say a prayer for your friend, Rebecca, as well as send up some thanks for her gracing the lives of those who loved her. “

Shallowgal “blew off swim practice” and took her boys out for chilli dogs. She toasted Rebecca over her dinner.

Cait had a fun day with her kids and though about Rebecca as she pushed them on the swing.

Sylvia thought of Rebecca as she watched her daughter jump off the diving board for the very first time.

Darcy toasted Rebecca with friends and family as they gathered as a big group at a cottage with lots of good food and fun.

Celeste thought of Rebecca as she took a vacation with good girlfriends.

Michael paddle-whacked a tennis ball into the lake for his wolf-hound cross named Boo. He's sure that Boo would have loved Diezel.

In memory of Rebecca, Frederica went for a bareback ride on her daughter's pony. She writes, “The real fun started when she started trotting: she was going like a bat out of hell, I was popping up and down like a jackhammer trying to post, grinning from ear to ear.”

Andrea promised to have fun with her daughter.

Deb spent an evening knitting and drinking beer with two good friends.

Cathie tickled her girls, hugged them and rolled around on the floor with them.

Allie “stopped by McFatty for a burger and DQ for a strawberry shake.” She added, “Thinking also of Rebecca's family, of Diezel, and of the joy of a scooter and open roads. Thanks Rebecca for the steady example of choosing well, every day.”

And I went to a dog rescue fundraiser called Take the Plunge. We saw dogs pulling scooters, jumping off a dock into a pool, doing agility runs and just generally milling around. I lost count of the different breeds. The highlight was watching a 10.5 year old pit bull sail off a dock and fly through the air, as his owner fist-pumped in triumph.

Rebecca had a big impact on me. I miss her. I send much love to all those who will gather tomorrow in her memory.
