and so it begins

Received September 6:

Hi Laurie,

Would you be interested in guest blogging for us in October? I have some fun ways to make it a great partnership for both of us AND for the fight against breast cancer. If you're interested, let me know and I'll send you the proposal!

Julia Fikse

Ta-tas® Brand
Laughter Heals®
Save the Ta-tas Foundation

Sent September 8:
Dear Julia,

No thank you. I suspect that you didn't really look at my blog before making this offer. I have metastatic breast cancer - long past the stage where "saving the ta-tas" is an issue.  I may have lost a ta-ta (despite your best efforts) but I am alive, which is what matters.

Also, while I do  have a pretty good sense of  humour, I don't find your products to be amusing (actually, I find those in the men's section to be distasteful and insensitive). I'd prefer to encourage my readers to donate to organizations that really make a difference and use all the funds (as opposed to 5% of sales) for advocacy, awareness, research and building community.

very sincerely,

