no pink for profit at the run for the cure

We interrupt the regularly scheduled programming to bring you this open letter:

Dear Ottawa area women friends and family,

Last week end, my friend CR and I were talking about doing the Run for the Cure on October 3rd. I suggested forming a team named something along the lines of "We hate pink crap but we hate breast cancer even more."

Elegant slogans were never my forte.

C. reminded me that the brilliant KJ had already come up with "No Pink for Profit." I think this is perfect and I have registered a team with that name. Want to join me? We need ten women (anyone can participate but I'd really like to form a women's team) and you can run it or walk it, raise money or not.

All it would involve on your part would be registering, raising money if you want (or just paying the registration fee) meeting at the start of the run to get your team t-shirt and then either walking or runnning 5k at your pace. Then, as many of us who want to could meet up at the end and go out for a yummy breakfast.

I have a bit of an agenda here, other than the exercise, friendship and a good cause. How cool would it be to have a really large group of women wearing "No Pink for Profit" on their Run for the Cure t-shirts? And if the name is rejected by run organizers (which I truly hope doesn't happen), we have another opportunity for education.

So, what say you? Please feel free to forward this message to any women you know. I want to cast as wide a net as possible.


p.s.: You can sign up here.

Update: Less than 24 hours after writing this, there are 12 13 of us signed up and two more who have said that they will. I am over the moon - so moved and happy. There's no limit on team size, so please continue to spread the word. Any woman who wants to join us is welcome.
