not done yet: where to buy

Are you getting tired of the relentless self-promotion? Well, like the book, I am Not Done Yet.

I do, however, promise a return to regular programming (at least temporarily) very soon.

Folks have been asking where they can buy my book so I thought I should pull that info together in to one post:
  • You can buy the book directly from the publisher (the glitch on the order form has been fixed and it should work easily now). You can link to Women's Press any time, by clicking the photo of the book on the right.
  • You can order from Octopus books (or drop in and buy it if you live in Ottawa). And, if you live in Canada, ask your local book store to order the book (this may even work in the US). Please support your local independent book store.
  • You can also place an order through Chapters (although the statement that the books usually ships in 3-5 weeks is a bit disconcerting
  • The book can be ordered from but not, for some reason, through
  • Finally, you can order the book directly from me (I have run out but have ordered more). This is the way to get a signed copy. I charge the price of the book and whatever it costs me to mail it (plus GST, in Canada). If you want to go this route, you can email me at "laurie DOT kingston AT gmail DOT com.
Please do let me know if you encounter any bumps when you try to buy the book, so that I can make things right.
