re-writing a novel in 140 characters

Peter Sagal, the host of NPR's Wait...Wait Don't Tell Me! (yes, I am a big nerd. And so is my spouse. My son listens to podcasts of the show on his ipod) has started a meme.

He is encouraging folks to write Twitter-length versions of novels. For those who don't know about Twitter (or can't be bothered to sign up), every "tweet" must be no longer than 140 characters. Sagal came up with a Twitter version of
The Grapes of Wrath:
"Times are hard. Sister breast feeding homeless guy. I am so outta here."

You can read more examples here.

Here's mine:

"Ambitious mothers are annoying. Nice girls marry well. Loose girls get trapped. Colin Firth smolders on."

See? (That's Pride and Prejudice, by the way).

Want to play? If you tweet, then be sure and add the hashtag #twitternovels. If not, feel free to just leave your mini-novel in the comments.
