rants and ramblings on a rainy day

Some things make me very, very angry.

Like every new detail coming out about the needless deaths of Robert Dziekanski and Brian Sinclair. Each man could have been saved so many times by so many different people.

Like the fact that the mayor of Ottawa and the leadership of OcTranspo were guilty of several big whoppers around the transit strike (especially about how much money the city was saving and how long it would take the buses to get back on the road).

Some things make me laugh.

Like making silicone breast prosthesis jokes with my sister last night (you really did have to be there).

And going to see a taping of The Debaters with my son and my spouse.

Some things make me smile.

Like getting an email from a woman I have never met who tells me that she loves my blog and seems to be living a parallel life to mine (right down to the kids five years apart and two dogs).

Like the sound of two dogs snoring as I type this.

Some things make me worry about my faculties.

Like the fact that I bought tickets for a show (the above-mentioned Debaters) and then made child care arrangements for the wrong night (thank goodness for my wonderful sister who changed her evening plans so she could still come and hang out with my youngest son).

Like the fact that I woke up one night in a cold sweat in the middle of the night a week ago and double-checked that I had bought the tickets, yet didn't notice that they were for the wrong night.

Some things are good.

Some things are bad.

Some things just are.

Still working, sometimes, on sorting out the difference.
