and i got the shot and everything

I have the flu. Or some kind of bug.

I took my temperature last night and realized that I was running a fever. When this happens, I am supposed to go to the hospital but it seemed counter-intuitive to take my worn down self to an emergency room full of sick people.

I called the cancer centre this morning and they told me to come on in to their stretcher bay area (I was still feverish, sore all over, queasy and light-headed). I got my blood counts checked and all is well on that front. They also gave me some intravenous fluids, which perked me up a bit (the trip into the cancer centre had knocked the stuffing out of me).

Then they sent me home with instructions to get lots of rest and stay hydrated.

It's not even insult to injury, it's injury to injury. At least I know that my body has the white blood cells it needs to fight this.

I'm just feeling a little sorry for myself.
