right to the point

This blog is having an existential crisis. I don't seem to write that much about cancer these days. A more appropriate title might be in order ("Occasionally About Cancer?" "Not Just About Life, Kids, Dogs, Books, Weather Extremes and Cancer"?) but then how would people find me?

I was interrupted by the phone ringing. This is the subsequent telephone conversation, transcribed pretty much verbatim:

A (nurse who works with my oncologist, returning my call about my most recent CT scan results*): "May I speak to Laurie, please?"

Me: "This is Laurie."

A: "Hi, it's A. from the cancer centre."

Me: "Hi A."

A: "Everything's fine. No change."

Me: "Yay! Yay! Yay! Thank you, A!"

A: "You're welcome! Bye!"

The cancer centre's stated policy is that they do not give out results over the phone but my oncologist has been making an exception for me for a while now. If they ever do ask me to come in, I will be very suspicious.

So, I am happy to say that I have nothing new to report on the cancer front.

On another note, go read the comments from my last post. There's some good stuff in there.

*I just tried to link to the post about my most recent scan (it was last Wednesday) and found that I didn't write one. Instead, I wrote about the weather and losing my dog. It appears that, while they still make me anxious, CT scans are less newsworthy than the cold and my pets. Lucky me.
