meaner than fiction (and short-sighted, too)

According to a recent article in the New York Times, soon-to-be-Ex-President Bush is trying to ram through some changes to the
Code of Federal Regulations before Obama takes office. Some of the new rules, which have the "force of law" in the US, would:

"make it much harder for the government to regulate toxic substances and hazardous chemicals to which workers are exposed on the job;"

"make it easier to build power plants near national parks and wilderness areas;"

"reduce the role of federal wildlife scientists in deciding whether dams, highways and other projects pose a threat to endangered species;"

"allow coal companies to dump rock and dirt from mountaintop mining operations into nearby streams and valleys;"

give "states sweeping authority to charge higher co-payments for doctor’s visits, hospital care and prescription drugs provided to low-income people under Medicaid."


If a fictional President in a novel or movie attempted to do these things in his last days of power, would we find it believable?
